Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Biggest Secrets In America

Kick Ass FMR Congressman James Traficant Tells The Truth about Evon VonChankko as being the real Ivan The Terrible. Clearing John Demjanjuk through the freedom of information Act therefore preventing him from being put to death. "The main issue of the indictment sheet filed against the appellant was his identification as Ivan the Terrible, an operator of the gas chambers in the extermination camp at Treblinka... By virtue of this gnawing [new evidence indicating mistaken identity. Third article down from a 1989 The Ukrainian Weekly; Demjanjuk's lawyer's attacker guilty could get 20 years for throwing acid in lawyers face.
Jim Traficant - Zionist Control of the USA
Former Ohio Rep. Jim Traficant "Israel Controls America"

Greta Van Susteren - James Traficant (2 of 3)

Hannity and FMR American Congressman James Traficant Get into shouting match over Israel Lobby and U.S. Policy.

Israeli Mossad Agents Confessing To 9/11 On Israeli TV Inside Israel.

The Biggest Secret In American History..Part 1!

The Biggest Secret In America..!
The Biggest Secret In America!
Voice of ted Gunderson

The Biggest Secret In America!
Beginning of the Bush Family
The Union Banking Corporation was liquidated by the U.S. government and, The father Prescot Bush received 1.5 million dollars for his holdings in his Natzi business and, that begins the Bush Money Empire.
Bohemian Grove -Scull & Bones Initiation Ritual. Alex Jones Fils inside ritual.

The Biggest Secret In America!

The Biggest Secret In America!

The Biggest Secret In America!

The Biggest Secret In America!